Tapas Tej Yield Booster is an advanced complex blend of unique Botanicals. It contains readily absorbable photosynthetic intermediates for instant boost in quality and yield.
Technical Content
Botanical Extract - 10%
Features & Benefits
Tej Yield Booster reduces flower drop and fruit drop, gives shine and luster. Useful to increase sugar content.
Especially beneficial in recovery from after stress or pest/disease attack.
Enhances flowering & fruiting.
Increases number of flowers.
Reduces flower drop and fruit drop.
Convert Flowers to Fruits.
Overcome Flower abortion issues
Makes fruit of even size and shape.
Increases sweetness of fruits.
Quicker recovery in damaged plants due to diseases and pests ( even climatic damage).
Helps to recover plant post virus attack.
Increase number of harvest and give uniform harvest repeatedly.
Readily absorbable nutrients for boost in quality and yield.
Biodegradable and residue free.
Environmentally safe, no residue on plants and soil.